
首页>雅思>雅思口语>雅思口语Part 2:一瓶神奇酱汁,搞定所有菜!

雅思口语Part 2:一瓶神奇酱汁,搞定所有菜!

来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2022-08-10 17:56


最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a traditional product in your country”。谈到这个话题时,我们的好朋友Daniel有话说了!他来自美国德克萨斯州,在他的家乡,有一种非常美味的烧烤酱,可以给牛肉、羊肉、鸡肉,等等任何肉类调味儿,只需要把酱汁淋到肉上,肉就会变得非常美味~想想就流口水呢!



本期Part 2 话题

Describe a traditional product in your country

You should say: 

What it is 

When you tried this product for the first time 

What it is made of 

And Explain how important the product is


第九季 Episode 25



I am from Texas so I am going to talk about Barbecue sauce which is a sauce used as a condiment or topping for meat cooked in the barbecue cooking style, including pork or beef ribs and chicken. It is a very popular condiment in the Southern United States and is used on many other foods as well.

I can’t remember the first time I tried BBQ sauce because it must have been a long time ago and the sauce is sold in supermarket, grocery stores and literally everywhere and there are also hundreds of different brands. 

The ingredients for the sauce vary quite a bit, but most include vinegar, tomato paste, or mayonnaise with onions, spices and black peppers.

The sauce is important because number one it makes cooking meat easier so you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen trying to perfect the recipes and worry about if the meat is too salty, spicy, bland, or sweet. Most of the sauce comes premade in a bottle and all you need to do is just put it on the meat. Also, the sauce is about culture just like in China, people need a good peanut sauce for hotpot. The sauce was invented as early as the 19th century because cooking wasn’t easy and if you wanted to make meat delicious, you needed to bring a lot of small bottles for salt, sugar, spice etc. Therefore, the answer is just one bottle of BBQ sauce and you can cook as you go. That is why the sauce is especially popular in the countryside because it fits perfectly for the lifestyle there.

Words & expressions in this episode 

1.condiment n. 调味品;佐料

2.recipe n. 食谱;秘诀;原因

3.ingredient n. 组成部分;(烹调的)原料;(构成)要素


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